SEEPARK will link and nurture five varied large-scale landscapes covering 24,000 hectares – including woodland, parkland, wetland and marshland – across South Essex bringing the benefits of ecological diversity and carbon capture as well as opportunities for leisure, tourism and business.

SEEPARK conceptual diagram
SEEPARK conceptual diagram

South Essex has many natural assets – it is much greener than many would think, bordered by the Thames and with miles of inland waterways. SEEPARK is about how we use these natural assets much better – so they can be enjoyed by more people, so they offer greater natural protection against flooding and climate change and so they can make a greater contribution to our local economic success.

This ambitious project aims to create:

  • 200km of enhanced waterfront paths and 550km of cycleways to be enjoyed by residents and visitors
  • 125km2 of new flood management to protect homes and businesses
  • a network of natural landscapes totalling 24,000 hectares, including 2,500 hectares of new parks and gardens, 4,500 hectares of enhanced woodlands and 7,500 hectares of restored marshlands to tackle ecological degradation, reduce carbon in the atmosphere and improve our air quality.

Watch this video on the SEEPARK and its vision for a greener, healthier South Essex.

SEEPARK colour wheel
The benefits of SEEPARK